Let's talk about your flooring a little bit. We love our occupation and to take care of your floors condition , but we also want o share with you how to keep your floors long lasting and protected before any hard procedure. There different types of harm which depend on if you have a pet,how big is your family , how long you live in your home and many more like these so here are couple of options which are not good to do with wooden floor at home- Do not use abrasives or harsh chemicals to clean your floor, do not use steam mops on your hardwood floor, do not pour cleaning product directly on floor, and maybe it is a little hard but try not yo wear high heel shoes on wood floors and if you could do not allow pet stains remain untreated and these options are going to help your floors in the time and it will need sanding let's say not on 5 but on 7 years because it won't be that harmed. As a company which care for your home comfort we wish you sparkling floor and important big steps on them !